miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Últimas películas: El silencio de los corderos, de Jonathan Demme; American Splendor, de Shari Springer Bermanen y Robert Pulcini, y Crumb, de Terry Zwigoff.

Últimos discos: Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton, de John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers; Rewind that, de Christian Scott y Reggae jazz attack, de Don Drummond.

Libros en proceso: Fenomenología del espíritu, de G.W.F. Hegel; Razón y revolución, de H. Marcuse y Crimen y castigo, F. Dostoievski (con este llevo como 5 meses, pero ese que no avanzo, tengo que estar constantemente volviendo páginas atrás para poder entender la psyché de los personajes)

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm finishing Crime and Punishment now. It's easier with a mental list of the characters because of those Russian names. The first conversation between Raskolnikov and Porfiry Petrovich is one of the best dialogues I read.

  2. yeah! I have a problem with the russian names, but that´s not what i mean. The main problem (for me) is to understand the behaviour of the characters, because is so complicated that is difficult to follow it and to understand if there is a continuity on it.
    But I will do a list about it, will be easier :)
    Allways Porfiry and Raskolnikov have a conversation si great! I like very much when Raskolnikov goes to talk with Profiry to his office and he says that he killed the woman and he doesnt trust him, is awesome how he describes what they think adn the relation with that and their faces... fucking awesome!
